
It has been a while - New Tact

It has been over 2 years since I last posted. My head was in the sand for a long time.  I've given up on the being pregnant thing.  I though about using donor egg, but decided I couldn't deal with more $ and disappointment.  I have finally come around to the adoption route.  I have completed my home study and am just waiting for a child.  Unfortunately, the wait has been long and I need to do something to kick start the process.  Most likely, I will need the services of a consultant to help match me.

Since I am single, I'm not at the top of most birth mother's ideal of an adoptive parent scenario.

I'm not trying to say anything weird with this picture.  I just took the picture in my backyard, because it is a large spider (orb spider, I think).  I just thought the blog could use some visuals.

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