
I Don't Feel Pregnant

No sore boobs.

No peeing every 5 minutes

No getting up 6x during the night to pee.

No symptoms, therefore, not pregnant.

Ok, it is only 4 days post egg transfer (ET), but I want to be pregnant. I have much more pressure this time around, because more people know. My mother flew out to help me with ER/ET for christ's sake.

I'm still wearing my mother's gold chain that is complete with my great-grandmother's wedding rings that my grandmother wore, gold items that my belonged to my deceased uncle, and gold objects that my uncle had given to my mother. I should be on a beach in Boca. I'm also wearing a ring from my grandmother that died 9 yrs ago.

Did I mention that my ET was on the 9 yr anniversary of my grandmother's death? Does that mean something?

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